Friday, November 12, 2010

The Party Dress Book Launch Party

 Looks like all of that busy-ness paid off! Angel from Selima put together this fabulous storefront display for the book party, as well as rearranging the store displays to feature Mary's dresses, skirts, and tops. On Thursday, November 11th, Mary Adams and friends came together to celebrate at Bond 07 by Selima Optique.

How darling is that?

Some cotton organdy pieces from the 80's on display
James and Kengo setting up, watched over by a giant wedding dress
The crowd at the party

Mary and Selima as the party winds down

It was a fantastic event: there was book signing, champagne, and scrumptious hors d'oeuvres by James Hollander. And it was great to see people wearing their Mary Adams originals. Thank you everyone for all your help and support in making this event as success! It was wonderful to see all of my friends and the wonderful people who helped put the book together all in one room.

We also sold lots of books -- and, if you haven't already, be sure to pick one up at Bond 07 by Selima, or, or bookstores near you! (And if it's not there - request it!) If you have any sightings of the book around town, report back! It's the perfect gift for any sewing enthusiast, and the Holidays are just around the corner...

Next up is a fashion show at the Katonah Museum in Westchester - we'l keep you posted.
 Thanks again!

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